American Technology Solutions of Arizona Rebuilds its Website to Expand Online Presence – January 8, 2014

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“American Technology Solutions” (ATS) has made the decision to expand its internet presence through a new website and additional social media presence. It is a giant leap for the company because it assists their customers and prospective customers by giving them a framework to reach out to their telecom provider via the internet. As we all know, the internet is a critical aspect of everyone’s lives nowadays.

ATS has created an avenue for customers to reach out with concerns, issues or great feedback. It opens up another option for communication between this premise based supplier and companies. As spoken about in the last blog, communication across the board is imperative to a company growing and sustaining its current client base. The idea for ATS is to expand its web presence by adding additional resources to social media along with a new website.

The website had already been updated and the link can be found here . It’s a great start to this new approach of expansion via the internet. It has pages full of testimonials and has links to all the social media pages as well as this blog. It allows companies to see the products and services and also provides an outlet for them to reach out and contact us. This new website will complement the social media pages and vice versa because they are all linked to one another. By adding posts to these pages regularly, the customers and other interested parties can see what the company is up to on a daily basis. This gives them a stronger sense for what type of company ATS really is. We want to grow and add relationships with companies and this is a strong avenue to do just that. Increasing our internet presence is just the start to a new year in which all of us at ATS expect a big year full of growth and satisfaction for ourselves and customers alike.