Many companies are looking for a cost effective simple way to improve communications throughout their whole business. “American Technology Solutions” (ATS) offers many technologies that can help with this. Unified Communications is a technology that offers video collaboration. This means easy access to video conferencing for anyone in the company. Specifically Scopia, it is a technology that allows companies to have video conferences with employees and clients alike. It is simple and allows many people to be on the same video call simply by clicking a link on an email sent by the person setting it all up. It’s a cost effective way to seamlessly allow face to face communication throughout the world.
I personally use Scopia because it’s provides easy to use video conferencing features and typically takes less than a minute to load the free application, is manufacturer agnostic and does not take hours to install software. It allows me to stay connected with co-workers, customers and partners no matter where I am located. I can send out an email to customers who may have a question and with the click of a button we are face to face. The technology is so simple that it operates on many different platforms including smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers. The only requirements are a video camera which come standard on basically any technology nowadays. Scopia, by Radvision an AVAYA Company, is a leading video collaboration technology solution that can help improve communications for any company, no matter the industry they operate within.
Yesterday, I was able to have a face to face meeting with a partner of ours as well as my boss. It was quick and easy and allowed four individuals on opposite sides of the country to be in contact over the internet. This is just one example of how Scopia can save you time and money. This meeting would be costly and time consuming if we had to fly across the country to be face to face. However, with this new technology, our laptops offered us the platform to utilize Scopia and be face to face at eight in the morning, without even leaving the office.
By contacting ATS we are able to set you up with the software and could even show you how it works by doing a video conference. This technology can improve your whole company and allow employees to seamlessly connect with anyone they need too. Most video conferencing technology is bulky and expensive, but Scopia is cost effective and does not require any tedious and time consuming installation. The solution may be offered as a standalone Room System at the Customer Site, In a Customer Provided Data Center, a Hosted Data Center and finally as a Cloud Based User Option. The best decision for your company is to contact us about how it can be an effective tool for your business. I am constantly amazed by how simple and productive Scopia is and it allows my work days to be far more efficient. Unified Communications are very important in today’s world, and American Technology Solutions has a great offering with Scopia.